Project 2009: The Philippine Coin Expo

The Philippine Numismatic & Antiquarian Society once played a vital role in the exposition, exhibition, and conservation of materials particularly those in connection with the nation's history.

The rift between the factions involved in the control of the organization led to the decline of its popularity among collectors specially during the times that major figures of organization had been dragged in the one of the biggest heist in the organization's history since it was created in 1929.

Now, several collectors and others (including this site) who want to reform the organization have expressed support in the creation of the Philippine Coin Exposition that will be prioritized this year of 2009 as part of the 80th year founding of the Philippine Numismatic & Antiquarian Society (PNAS).

The organizers of this exposition are planning to source out the funding from several contribution, donation, and fund raising scheme outside of the administration of the PNAS. This is to signal that such move is gearing toward the propagation of the interest in numismatic and collections and not of political issues and partisanship.

As part of this major move, the proponents of this change have even expressed their willingness to donate a website that would serve as the forum and announcement board for the PNAS, to reach out those who are interested in expanding their knowledge and collection, and otherwise as a tribute to the founding fathers of the organization.

One of the major vision of this movement is to help the organization in the creation of a library and a museum that would house several numismatic collections. This is to aid the local collectors in the maintenance and protection of their collection and otherwise discourage exportation of historical and numismatic treasures. Another, is to educate the local collectors and hobbyists regarding the proper handling, preservation, and identification especially right now that counterfeit materials have become a major hindrance for newbies in building their respective inventories.

Further announcements will be made through this site later.


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